
Twin Cobra logo

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Playstation 1

Converted by Banpresto around 1994 as "Toaplan Shooting Battle 1". Also includes the prequel Tiger Heli.

Toaplan Shooting Battle 1 front cover
Toaplan Shooting Battle 1 (PSX) back

(PSX Version cover)



Converted by American Treco for SEGA 1991. Game is titled "Twin Cobra" but is really Ultimate Tiger since it doesn't include the 2-Player mode. Legal text from the box: "Twin Cobra is a trademark of Toa Plan and American Treco and used under license by Sega of America Inc. Sega of America, P.O. Box 2167, So. San Fransisco, CA 94080. (C) 1987, Toa Plan, (C) 1991, American Treco. (C) 1991, Sega. All rights reserved. Made in Japan."

(Genesis cartridge sticker)

(Text on back of Genesis box)



Distributed by American Sammy.

(NES cartridge sticker)





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